

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 3 months ago

Welcome to KBZ 2012 PD

A wiki created to help teachers at KBZ find their way around materials being prepared for a professional development course being conducted in the ILC (Independent Learning Center) at KBZ in September, 2012


Tutorial on developing a wiki like this one,

and other PD conducted at KBZ from 2014-2018http://kbzpd.pbworks.com 


Reviving the process in preparation for Professional Development week, end of November 2012

It's been a long semester, with staff at KBZAC stretched to provide instruction to all the cadets at the college.

Now that the semester has at last come to an end, we'll have a week at ADMC to

  1. see what we accomplished in September
  2. explore how to better utilize the ILC for the 125 course in January, and for N101 in March
  3. learn how to set up class portals to organize classes and better communicate to students what is required of them 


Regarding Point #1 above, we started this blog at http://toolkit4learning.blogspot.com/

See an annotated version of this screenshot online, courtesy of Jinghttp://screencast.com/t/opl6dUGHuqy 


In this view you can see that the posts in the right sidebar (the "Blog Archive") have been expanded.  You might wish to review them.

You can navigate the program we started in September using the tabs across the top.

These allude to the tools used in the rendition of N101 developed and taught at the Naval College:

  • 20 Steps to Better Digital Literacies for Teachers specifies 20 tasks that teachers can perform which will prepare them to teach the N101 course using the tools given in this list
  • Google Docs gives information about setting up Google accounts for working with teachers and students
  • Prezi links to a presentation that relates the Prezi tool to the Viewpoints textbook approach.  You can click on LEARN at the top of this page to view the tutorials on Prezi.
  • Survey Monkey takes you to a tutorial showing you how to create simple surveys 
  • Jing points you to where to download this useful screencast and screenshot capture tool, highly recommended. More such annotation tools are mentioned here: http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/11/8-annotation-tools-teachers-should-have.html 
  • Blogger should take you to your personal Blogger account if you are logged on to Google (otherwise you reach the generic Blogger page). 
  • KBZ 2012 PD brings you to this wiki 
  • KBZAC wiki takes you to the portal set up for 43 class N101 students to help guide them through completion of their course 
  • ACommunication takes you to the wiki Vance created for N101 at the Naval College which was taught in the way this training is meant to suggest 


The sidebar is a page in a wiki that you can edit.  It remains visible no matter where your students have navigated to in your wiki.

You should track your progress on these shared Google Docs, which you can reach from the sidebar to the right here --------->


If you can bring these materials up to date then this will show us where we need start in resuming our training at ADMC next week (thanks :-)


Day 1 (Monday Sept 17)

The sessions started on a mission to train teachers in skills and tools needed to teach a Web 2.0 version of Academic Communication



Today's blog entry: http://toolkit4Learning.blogspot.com/2012/09/introduction.html

We created in Google Docs


To access these docs you need to log on to your Google acct first. If you still can't get them, it means they aren't SHARED with you.  Ask ANY colleague to share it with you. Anyone with whom the document is already shared can share it with anyone else (with a Google acct; it doesn't work well to share documents with other email accts)


Day 2 (Tuesday Sept 18)

Today's blog entry: http://toolkit4Learning.blogspot.com/2012/09/kbz2012pd.html

The mission was expanded to include ideas for helping students focus on language-related tasks when working day-to-day in the ILC.  

  • Accordingly I created this wiki: http://kbz2012pd.pbworks.com/
  • I ported the day's blog entry to a Google Doc and invited teachers to crowd source ideas there: 
    Please go there and add at least one suggestion  
  • I was asked to teach a class and I in turn requested a few minutes to prepare for it.  This is what I set up:
    • This is a game your students can play in teams of 4 or 5 students, each at a computer
    • One student opens the instructions, another the game, the others the links to the SAME version of the Writing part
      For example, the students in Team 1 work first ALL on the same page http://tinyurl.com/kbz-poklop1
      the students in Team 2 work ALL on http://tinyurl.com/kbz-poklop2, etc.
    • Then they follow instructions.  Be sure you assign the teams numbers and make sure they work in that team document.
    • The object of the exercise is to collaboratively produce a written description of what happened in Poklop
      • The description is created in a document they can all write on at one, like Google Docs
      • In case of need, there is disaster recovery.  On your computer, click SAVE often so you'll have a point to get back to. 
    • If they like it, and want to continue, we can set up the next level for them


Day  3 (Wednesday, September 19)

Today's blog entry: http://toolkit4learning.blogspot.com/2012/09/giving-some-thought-to-gaming.html

  • The blog entry is about the game I had started yesterday.  I prepared it more thoroughly and invited teachers to send their students to try out 
    • This is a game your students can play in teams of 4 or 5 students, each at a computer
    • One student opens the instructions, another the game, the others the links to the SAME version of the Writing part
      For example, the students in Team 1 work first ALL on the same page http://tinyurl.com/kbz-poklop1
      the students in Team 2 work ALL on http://tinyurl.com/kbz-poklop2, etc.
    • Then they follow instructions.  Be sure you assign the teams numbers and make sure they work in that team document.
    • The object of the exercise is to collaboratively produce a written description of what happened in Poklop
      • The description is created in a document they can all write on at one, like Google Docs
      • In case of need, there is disaster recovery.  On your computer, click SAVE often so you'll have a point to get back to. 
    • If they like it, and want to continue, we can set up the next level for them
  • I also worked individually with teachers and created the sidebar you can see at left in this wiki.  The sidebar shows
    • Links to the blog portal for the course (whose link I CHANGED to put the L back in Learning, as in http://toolkit4Learning.blogspot.com )
    • Easy-to-locate quick links to all the Google Docs we've shared so far in the course
    • Links to the Prezi's of the KBZ teachers who have shared those links in one of our Google Docs so far
    • Links to the blogs of the KBZ teachers who have, again, shared those links via the appropriate Google Doc 


This wiki is a first step at modeling how a project (like this one, or your class wiki portal) can be organized for a group.  In the first days when threads are limited, links can be kept on a FrontPage such as this one, but as we expand and diversify our efforts (as happens in class as focus shifts week to week) then the SIDEBAR of a wiki becomes the most salient organizational tool.  It's the sidebar that governs my choice of wiki as a means of organizing courses. One addtional benefit is that if you develop a wiki in collaboration with others, the wiki lets administrators know when it's been changed (this also lets you know if spammers have altered content, in which case you can locate the spam, remove it, and adjust permissions so that the spammer is denied further ability to post to your wiki).


Day 4 (Thursday, September 20)

Today's blog entry: http://toolkit4learning.blogspot.com/2012/09/where-weve-reached-at-end-of-week-1.html


Today I have looked into improving on the check meant for students to see if they were progressing through the Prezi.


Feedback from teachers suggested that my worksheets were too difficult even for them, so I have been thinking how to make the exercise accomplish the purpose without being so unrealistic for NNS students.


The first critique was that my questions were not taken from the Prezi presentations you hear at http://prezi.com/learn/.  True enough, so I decided to bite the bullet and transcribe the first audio track, whose direct link is from the YouTube version: http://youtu.be/Tp1iqZQH5vI (incidentally, at that version, there is a 'caption' tool which will give you a transcript as the audio plays; however, I can't see where you can extract that to make your own transcript, so I've done that, literally by ear and hand, and put it at a separate page Prezi: Getting Started).


Here I used http://www.learnclick.com/ to create gap filling exercises by simply copying the transcribed text into the cloud-based software, 'marking' the words I wanted gapped, and having it generate the activity for me, which is available online a the links you find here:



LearnClick is not a free tool unfortunately, but for $15 a year, you can create an unlimited number of exercises, and for only $25 you can have it track your students as well.  If it seems useful, it might be worth purchasing a copy.





PBworks reclaims URLs when they have not been revisited for a year.

This wiki was visited and altered by adding this text on January 24, 2022


Edited by Stevens Jan 9 2023

edited Dec. 13, 2023

edited Nov. 12, 2024













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